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The impact of high temperature on the durability of scale calibration equipment?

In modern industrial production, accurate measurement and metrology are important guarantees to ensure product quality and production efficiency. In this process, scale calibration equipment plays an indispensable role. However, in high temperature environments, the durability of scale calibration equipment may be challenged. This article will explore in depth the impact of high temperature on the durability of scale calibration equipment and countermeasures.

The impact of high temperature environment on scale calibration equipment is mainly manifested in the following aspects. Under high temperature, materials such as metals and plastics in scale calibration equipment will expand and deform due to heat, which may cause changes in the equipment structure and loosening of parts, thereby affecting measurement accuracy and stability.

High temperature environment will cause the electronic components (such as circuit boards, sensors, etc.) in scale calibration equipment to age, reduce their performance and reliability, and thus affect the measurement accuracy of the equipment. In high temperature environment, lubricants may fail, increase the friction resistance and wear of the equipment, and reduce the durability and life of the equipment.

In order to deal with the impact of high temperature environment on the durability of scale calibration equipment, the following measures can be taken. Select high temperature resistant metal and plastic materials to reduce the impact of material expansion and deformation and improve the stability and durability of the equipment. In a high temperature environment, timely remove the heat inside the equipment, and use heat sinks, fans and other heat dissipation devices to maintain the normal operating temperature of the equipment. Regularly clean, lubricate and inspect the weighing and calibration equipment, find and deal with problems in time, and extend the service life of the equipment.

Use high temperature resistant lubricants to keep the equipment lubricated, reduce friction and wear, and improve the durability of the equipment. Where possible, take measures to control the high temperature environment, such as installing air conditioners, using insulation materials, etc., to reduce the impact on the equipment.

A chemical company used a high-precision weighing equipment for weighing and batching raw materials during the production process. However, due to the high temperature in the production workshop, the equipment often weighed inaccurately, which seriously affected production efficiency and product quality. In order to solve this problem, the company took the following measures. Replace the parts of the equipment that are susceptible to high temperature with high temperature resistant materials to improve the stability and durability of the equipment. Install cooling fans around the equipment to enhance the heat dissipation effect of the equipment and effectively control the temperature of the equipment. Regularly clean, lubricate and inspect the equipment, find and deal with problems in time, and keep the equipment in good condition. After these improvement measures, the company successfully solved the problem of equipment in a high temperature environment and improved production efficiency and product quality.

High temperature environment poses certain challenges to the durability of weighing and calibration equipment, but it can be effectively dealt with by taking appropriate measures. Selecting high temperature resistant materials, strengthening equipment heat dissipation, regular maintenance and other measures can improve the stability and durability of the equipment, ensure the normal operation of the equipment in high temperature environment, and provide reliable guarantee for production.